What is Estate Planning?

Don’t let the term “estate” make you think estate planning is for people far wealthier than you. Your estate, no matter how modest, consists of everything you own – your car, home, savings, investments, insurance and personal possessions.

Regardless of the sum value of these things, you can’t take them with you when you die. So, estate planning is making decisions about who you want to receive an inheritance from you, what you want them to receive and when you want them to receive it.  Under a good estate plan, you also decide who you want to make decisions for you if aren’t able to and what types of decisions that person can make.

If you have minor children, an estate plan also includes naming a legal guardian for them and who will manage assets on their behalf.  A good estate plan in Utah often includes a will, living trust, medical directive, durable power of attorney, guardianship designations and other documents depending on your situation.

We guide people living in Utah through the estate planning process and work with you to achieve your goals and secure your future and family.